I then moved on to a cocktail and crossword puzzle holder (end table):

My most recent piece is a dining table for the patio. This is the one that has all of us really excited. Since we moved in we have been dining at a 30" square camping table that is extremely wobbly - especially with a 70 pound clutz vizsla hanging out at your feet. I found a great book that details plans for patio furniture and this is my first attempt, I have to say it turned out pretty good. Now I just have to pick the perfect meal for its inauguration.

During all this carpentry mayhem we also found strings of lights to hang above the patio. The ambiance feels almost...no, exactly, like Italy. 95% of my experience with Italy is from watching Godfather II.

I am not sure what is next. Brother Clay is on his way into town tonight, perhaps he will build a chaise lounge or gazebo.
It was recently brought to my attention (thanks to AV) that anyone wishing to post a comment here must first open a google account. I am not sure why this was the case, but it is now fixed and any and all of you can comment away. I probably check the blog 25 times a day hoping in vain that someone has posted a comment. Now I know why you have all been so quiet. We cannot wait to hear what more of you have to say!
Well, I have another project for you, Jim. I need a cosmetic holder (makeup stand). I will email you the dimensions and further specifications if you are still in the creative mood! I love your knew "fine" furnishings. Does Bill help you with your fine carpentry? At 70 lbs. I'll bet you aren't carrying him around much! He's probably preoccupied thinking about Eva!!!
Luv, MomR. =^..^=
Oh my gosh Sara! Like I said before, how do you have time for all of this? The back patio looks fabulous and the table couldn't be more perfect. What is the name of the book that details plans for patio furniture? Are you going to make matching chairs? Too COOL.
The book can be found here: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9780806973562&itm=2
More to come on the chairs, we have some ideas...
Jim, your motivation level is very impressive. When your sister-in-law starts asking me to build funiture can I give her your phone number?
sure, but i bet it would be easier for everyone for you to just give her your credit card number.
Jim, are all of these projects leading up to something larger...? If so, let me know and I'll head out there with the plans we already drew up (poles included).
I just need to comment that this blog is almost as great as Jim's mustache.
sadly its a former mustache...when might it return?
the thing about the poles, av, is that i need to do some research into their construction...
im hoping the mustache makes an appearance on oct. 20.
as for the poles, i'm thinking we pour anywhere from 8 to 14 pier foundations and let the poles do the work from there. if you build it, they will come...
we'll continue this conversation if you ever come to bozeman
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