Hello, Seattle! We took a road trip to Seattle last weekend. 10 hours of driving and we finally made it. I couldn't wait to see the skyscrapers.

We spent Saturday walking around downtown, guided by our friend Travis. The
Seattle Public Library is a new building with some pretty sweet architecture. It was an awesome site.

From inside it was breathtaking.

We lucked out with the weather for the day. It was sunny the entire time.

We couldn't go all day walking in the city without stopping for a refreshing cocktail. We ordered these, not realizing they were served in carafes! Holy smokes!

How could we visit the coast and not have seafood? We stopped for lunch on the pier and ordered a "clam" bake style lunch. We feasted on crab, shrimp, clams, mussels, potatoes and corn. They just dumped it on the table and let us go at it. It was delicious!

Friday night we stayed with our friends the Andersens in Snohomish. It's just outside the city. They met us downtown on Saturday. It was really great to get to see them and spend some time with them.

Olympic Sculpture Park is a new park in Seattle. We hit it kind of late in the day and were pretty hot and worn out, but there were some very cool sculptures. Check out the
Space Needle behind this one.

This is a really sweet metal tree sculpture.
Go TIgers! We hit the Mariners vs. Tigers baseball game Saturday night.

It was a lot of fun to get to a game again. We really miss that in Bozeman.

Unfortunately the Tigers lost when we were there. It was a good game until about the 7th inning. They kicked butt on Sunday though and we caught that game via XM radio on our drive home.

Of course we had a great trip, but you can't argue with the beauty Montana has to offer. It can be pretty spectacular. I took this photo out of the car window. Welcome home :)